Arthur Judson Brown (1856-1963)
Arthur Judson Brown is buried at Rosedale Cemetery, Orange, New Jersey.
Report of the Philippine Mission (1902)
The New Era in the Philippines (1903)
New Forces in Old China: An Unwelcome But Inevitable Awakening (1904)
Truth and Falsehood About Korea Missionaries (1904)
A Reading Journey Through Korea (1905)
The Unprecedented Opportunity in the Far East (1906)
The Demand For Missionary Statesmanship (1906)
The Yellow Man’s Burden (1906)
The Lien-Chou Martyrdom (1906)
The Yellow Man’s Burden (1907)
The Foreign Missionary: An Incarnation of a World Movement (1907)
The Why and How of Foreign Missions (1908)
The Nearer and Farther East: Outline Studies of Moslem Lands and of Siam, Burma, and Korea (1908)
The Political Situation in Asia (1912)
Call to Prayer for Korea (1912)
“The Korean Conspiracy Case” (1912)
An Appreciation of Daniel McGilvary, A Half Century Among the Siamese and the Lao (1912)
The Six Power Loan and Recognition of the Chinese Republic (1913)
Why Foreign Missions Cannot Retrench on Account of the War (1914)
Unity and Missions: Can a Divided Church Save the World? (1915)
Rising Churches in Non-Christian Lands (1915)
Russia in Transformation (1917)
The Expectation of Siam (1925)
Japan in the World To-Day (1928)