Byron Sunderland (1819-1901)

Biography (Wikipedia)

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Byron Sunderland is buried at the Town of Catskill Cemetery, Catskill, New York.

Byron Sunderland is buried at the Town of Catskill Cemetery, Catskill, New York.

Prelacy Discussed, or a Book For Batavians (1848)

Address at the Funeral of Mrs. Emily S. Blagden (1853)

The Memories of the Metropolis: A Discourse Delivered on Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 1853, in the First Presbyterian Church (1853)

Church & State: A Discourse Delivered on Thanksgiving Day, November 23, 1854, in the First Presbyterian Church (1854)

Funeral Address for David M. Wilson (1856)

Discourse to Young Ladies (1857)

Mistakes: A Poem, Delivered Before the Enosinian and Philophrenian Societies of Columbian College, on their Anniversary Celebration, April 12, 1860 (1860)

The Evil Affecting the Universe (1860)

Sermons by the Rev. Mr. Weston, Chaplain of the 7th Regiment, National Guard, and the Rev. Byron Sunderland, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Washington, Preached in the Hall of Representatives, Sunday, April 28th, 1861 (1861)

Introduction to B.F. Morris, Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States (1861)

The Crisis of the Times: A Sermon Preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C., on the Evening of the National Fast, Thursday, April 30, 1863 (1863)

Sermon Commemorative of the Life, Character, and Services of the Hon. Elisha Whittlesey, of Canfield, Ohio, Delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C., on Sunday Evening, January 10, 1864 (1864)

A Sermon in Memory of Colonel Ulric Dahlgren, Delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C., Sabbath Evening, April 24, 1864 (1864)

In Memoriam: Colonel Ulric Dahlgren (1864)

Who is My Neighbor?: A Sermon Delivered by Rev. Byron Sunderland in Washington, D.C. Feb. 25, 1866 (1866)

Funeral Address for Dr. Charles Page (1868)

Sunday Not the Sabbath: All Days Alike Holy. A Controversy Between the Rev. Dr. Sunderland, Wm. Henry Burr, and Others (1872)

Manual of Presbyterian Law and Usage (1873)

The Sabbath Question (1877)

A Sketch of the Life of Dr. William Gunton, Born at Aylsham, Norfolk, England, October 29th, 1791 (1878)

A Discourse, by Rev. Dr. Byron Sunderland, on the Shooting of President Garfield (1881)

The Problem of Prayer and the Death of President Garfield: A Discourse (1881)

“Our Republic in the Family of Nations”: A Sermon (1885)

A Memorial Sermon on the Death of General Ulysses S. Grant (1885)

Liberia’s Next Friend: The Annual Discourse Delivered at the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Colonization Society (1886)

Centennial Sermon (1895)

The Lord’s Day — Or Man’s? A Public Discussion Between Byron Sunderland, D.D. and W.A. Croffut, Ph.D. (1897)

Washington as I First Knew It, 1852-1855 (1901)

God’s Judgments For National Sins (n.d.)