David James Burrell (1844-1926)
David James Burrell is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, New York.
The Religions of the World: An Outline of the Great Religious Systems (1888)
“The Morning Cometh”: Talks For the Times (1893)
The Religion of the Future (1894)
The Spirit of the Age and Other Sermons (1895)
“For Christ’s Crown,” and Other Sermons (1896)
The Golden Passional and Other Sermons (1897)
The Wondrous Cross and Other Sermons (1898)
God and the People and Other Sermons (1899)
The Characteristic and Distinctive Features of the Reformed Church in America (1900)
The Church in the Fort and Other Sermons (1901)
The Wonderful Teacher and What He Taught (1902)
Christ and Progress: A Discussion of Problems of Our Time (1903)
The Teaching of Jesus Concerning the Scriptures (1904)
The Evolution of a Christian (1906)
The Righteousness of Lincoln (1909)
The Cloister Book For Shut-In Worshipers and Pastorless Congregations (1909)
At the Gate Beautiful: The Story of a Day (1911)
The Sermon: Its Construction and Delivery (1913)
In the Upper Room: A Practical Exposition of John XIII.-XVII. (1913)
The Old-Time Religion, or, The Foundations of Our Faith (1913)
Why I Believe the Bible (1917)
A Plea For the Bible in the Vernacular (1917)