Edwin Wilbur Rice (1831-1929)
Edwin Wilbur Rice is buried at Prospect Hill Cemetery, Gloversville, New York.
Introduction to John Kennedy, The Four Gospels (1881)
Edwin Paxton Hood’s The Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century (1882)
Commentary on the Gospel According to Matthew (1887, 1897)
People’s Commentary on the Gospel According to Luke (1889)
Introductory Note to Benjamin W. Chidlaw, The Story of My Life (1890)
People’s Commentary on the Gospel According to John (1891)
Our Sixty-Six Sacred Books: How They Came to Us, and What They Are (1891)
People’s Dictionary of the Bible (1893)
People’s Commentary on the Acts (1896)
Handy Helps For Busy Workers (1899)
A Short History of the International Lesson System (1902)
The Sunday School Movement 1780-1917 and The American Sunday-School Union 1817-1917 (1917)