Henry Martyn Field (1822-1907)
Henry Martyn Field is buried at Stockbridge Cemetery, Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
The Irish Confederates, and the Rebellion of 1798 (1851)
The Invisibility of God (1852)
Summer Pictures: From Copenhagen to Venice (1859)
History of the Atlantic Telegraph (1866, 1869)
From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn (1876, 1898)
Introduction to Adventures in Patagonia: A Missionary’s Exploring Trip (1880)
Among the Holy Hills (1883, 1897)
The Greek Islands and Turkey After the War (1885, 1887)
Blood Is Thicker Than Water: A Few Days Among Our Southern Brethren (1886)
On the Desert: With a Brief Review of Recent Events in Egypt (1888)
Old Spain and New Spain (1888)
The Field-Ingersoll Discussion: Faith or Agnosticism? (1888, 1895)
The Friend of the Bridegroom…Rejoiceth Greatly Because of the Bridegroom’s Voice (1889)
Bright Skies and Dark Shadows (1890)
Introduction to Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson) (1892)
The Story of the Atlantic Telegraph (1892)
Our Western Archipelago (1895)
The Life of David Dudley Field (1898)
Forty-Four Years an Editor: Rev. Henry Martyn Field, D.D., is Dead (1907)