Henry Sloane Coffin (1877-1954)
Cover of the November 15, 1926 issue of Time magazine.
Henry Sloane Coffin is buried at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Sleepy Hollow, New York.
The Creed of Jesus and Other Sermons (1907)
Biographical Introduction to Robert S. Steen, The Strength of Quietness and Other Sermons (1908)
Hymns of the Kingdom of God: With Tunes (1910)
Social Aspects of the Cross (1911)
On the Claims of the Church (1914)
The Ten Commandments With a Christian Application to Present Conditions (1915)
Some Christian Convictions: A Practical Restatement in Terms of Present-Day Thinking (1915)
Messages From Luther For Our Day (1917)
In a Day of Social Rebuilding: Lectures on the Ministry of the Church (1918)
A More Christian Industrial Order (1920)
What is There in Religion? (1922)
From the Natural to the Spiritual (1925)
The Portraits of Jesus Christ in the New Testament (1926, 1928)