Howard Crosby (1826-1891)
Howard Crosby is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, New York.
Lands of the Moslem: A Narrative of Oriental Travel (1851)
Social Hints For Young Christians, in Three Sermons (1866)
The Double Sense of Scripture (1870)
George Henry Moore, LL.D.: A Memoir (1870)
The Healthy Christian: An Appeal to the Church (1871)
Thoughts on the Decalogue (1873)
Our Present Heaven Through the Cross (1875)
Expository Notes on the Book of Joshua (1875)
The Book of Nehemiah: Critically and Theologically Expounded (1877)
Preaching, and the Training of Preachers (1877)
God Ever Active in Christ (1877)
The Christian Preacher: Yale Lectures for 1879-1880 (1879)
Archaisms, or Obsolete and Unusual Words or Phrases, in the English Bible (1879)
The True Humanity of Christ (1880)
The Sunday-School Service (1881)
Christ’s Union With the Sinner (1881)
Moderation vs. Total Abstinence; or, Dr. Crosby and His Reviewers (1881)
Human Ignorance Contradicting Divine Wisdom (1882)
The Bible View of the Jewish Church, in Thirteen Lectures (1888)
An Inheritance…That Fadeth Not Away (1889)
The Haste to Be Rich (1889, 1890)
“Blessed are They That Mourn” (1892)
At the Lord’s Table: Thoughts on Communion and Fellowship (1894)