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Howard Crosby is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, New York.

Howard Crosby is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, New York.

Lands of the Moslem: A Narrative of Oriental Travel (1851)

God’s View of Rebellion: A Sermon Preached in the Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church, on the Occasion of The National Thanksgiving, Sunday, Sept. 11, 1864 (1864)

Social Hints For Young Christians, in Three Sermons (1866)

A Bible Manual, Intended to Furnish a General View of the Holy Scriptures, as Introductory to Their Study (1869)

The Double Sense of Scripture (1870)

George Henry Moore, LL.D.: A Memoir (1870)

"Pictorial Life," or, Man's Life; Setting Forth His Nature, Views, Harmonies and Contrasts, Virtues and Vices, Restraints, Temptations, Remedies, Victories, Responsibilities to Himself, His Fellow-Men, and His Saviour, For Time and Eternity: "A Life Study," Some Portions of the Book a Child May Understand, There are Others Which a Man May Study With Increasing Interest and Profit All His Life (1870)

The Healthy Christian: An Appeal to the Church (1871)

Thoughts on the Decalogue (1873)

The Bible on the Side of Science: A Lecture Delivered in New York, December 14, 1874, Before the Society for the Advancement of Science and Art (1875)

Our Present Heaven Through the Cross (1875)

Expository Notes on the Book of Joshua (1875)

Heaven (1876, 1877)

The Book of Nehemiah: Critically and Theologically Expounded (1877)

Preaching, and the Training of Preachers (1877)

God Ever Active in Christ (1877)

Eternal Punishment (1878)

The Christian Preacher: Yale Lectures for 1879-1880 (1879)

Archaisms, or Obsolete and Unusual Words or Phrases, in the English Bible (1879)

The True Humanity of Christ (1880)

The Sunday-School Service (1881)

Christ’s Union With the Sinner (1881)

Moderation vs. Total Abstinence; or, Dr. Crosby and His Reviewers (1881)

Human Ignorance Contradicting Divine Wisdom (1882)

Presbyterianism (1883)

Twentieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Howard Crosby, D.D., as Pastor of the Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church, March 5, 1883 (1883)

The City’s Disease and Remedy: A Sermon, Preached in the Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York, on Thanksgiving Day, November 29, 1883 (1883)

Should Questions at Issue Between Political Parties Be Discussed in the Pulpit? If So, What Questions, and When? (1888)

The Bible View of the Jewish Church, in Thirteen Lectures (1888)

Preach the Word (1888)

Sabbath-Keeping (1889)

An Inheritance…That Fadeth Not Away (1889)

The Haste to Be Rich (1889, 1890)

Christian Reunion (1890)

Bible Wines (1891)

There Is An Everlasting Punishment For the Wicked; A Retribution Eternal After Death; and This Retribution Will Be the Action of Sin in the Soul, Subjecting It to Perpetual Tortures (1891)

Sermons (1891)

“Blessed are They That Mourn” (1892)

At the Lord’s Table: Thoughts on Communion and Fellowship (1894)

Rev. Crosby’s address is titled “Victory Over Death.”

Rev. Crosby’s address is titled “Victory Over Death.”