James Addison Quarles, Sr. (1837-1907)
James Addison Quarles, Sr. is buried at Machpelah Cemetery, Lexington, Missouri.
What is a Call to the Gospel Ministry? (1870)
Our Church — Its Condition, Wants, and Prospects (1871)
Education and Christianity (1871)
The Family Idea of the Church (1873)
Cause — First and Final (1874)
The One Visible Church and the Many Denominations (1877)
Our Church Policy — Shall It Be Progress or Petrification? (1881)
Dr. Thornwell and Our Church Policy (1882)
The Bible, A Divine Revelation (1883)
The Life of Prof. F.T. Kemper, A.M., The Christian Educator (1884)
The Unity of the Church (1888)
The Apocryphal Scriptures (1890)
Presentationism vs. Representationism (1894)
The Single Tax Upon Land (1895)
Expediency of the Higher Education of Women (1899)
Two Current False Philosophies (1900)
The Idea of God of Biblical Origin (1900)
The Teaching of Christ as to Wealth (1900)
Proofs of God’s Existence and Character (1901)
Our Lord’s Hour and Cup (1901)