James Henry Snowden (1852-1936)
James Henry Snowden is buried at Spring Hill Cemetery, Wellsville, Ohio.
The Ministry of Silence (1894)
A Summer Across the Sea (1908)
The World a Spiritual System: An Outline of Metaphysics (1910)
The Basal Beliefs of Christianity (1911)
A Long Pastorate and How Its Termination Was Celebrated (1911)
Inaugural Address: Theology and Life (1913)
The Psychology of Religion (1916)
Can We Believe in Immortality? (1918, 1919)
The One Hundred and Thirty-First General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (1919)
The Coming of the Lord: Will It Be Premillennial? (1919)
A Wonderful Night: An Interpretation of Christmas (1919)
The Truth About Christian Science (1920)
A Wonderful Morning: An Interpretation of Easter (1921)
The Meaning of Education (1921)
The Attractions of the Ministry (1921)
The Making and Meaning of the New Testament (1923)
The Truth About Mormonism (1926)
Old Faith and New Knowledge (1928)