James Oscar Boyd (1874-1947)
James Oscar Boyd is buried at Hazel Wood Cemetery, Colonia, New Jersey.
The Composition of the Book of Ezra (1900)
The Documents of the Book of Ezra (1900)
The Historicity of Ezra (1900)
An Undesigned Coincidence (1905)
Ezekiel and the Modern Dating of the Pentateuch (1908)
Jewish Parties in the Fifth Century Before Christ (1909)
The Character and Claims of the Roman Catholic English Bible (1911)
Sin and Grace in the Biblical Narratives Rehearsed in the Koran (1912)
The Source of Israel’s Eschatology (1913)
The Development of the Church in Old Testament Times (1921)
The Davidic Covenant: The Oracle (1927)
Echoes of the Covenant With David (1927)
Monarchy in Israel: The Ideal and the Actual (1928)