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John Seely Hart is buried at Woodlands Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

John Seely Hart is buried at Woodlands Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Jenkyn on the Atonement (1835)

Tyndale’s New Testament (1838)

Elements of Universal History, on a New and Systematic Plan (1844)

Class Book of Poetry: Consisting of Selections From Distinguished English and American Poets, From Chaucer to the Present Day (1844, 1849)

Class Book of Prose: Consisting of Selections From Distinguished English and American Authors, From Chaucer to the Present Day (1845, 1848)

An Essay on the Life and Writings of Edmund Spenser, With a Special Exposition of The Fairy Queen (1847)

The Female Prose Writers of America (1851, 1855)

The Iris: An Illuminated Souvenir For MDCCCLII (1852)

Epitome of Greek and Roman Mythology (1853)

A Brief Exposition of the Constitution of the United States For the Use of Common Schools (1860)

Some of the Mistakes of Educated Men: The Biennial Address before the Phrenakosmian Society of Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. (1861)

An Address Delivered Before the Alumni Association of the College of New Jersey, June 23, 1863 (1863)

The Golden Censer: Thoughts on the Lord’s Prayer (1864)

Thoughts on Sabbath-Schools (1864)

Common Schools (1866)

Normal Schools (1866)

The English Language (1868)

In the School-Room: Chapters in the Philosophy of Education (1868)

The Sunday-School Idea: An Exposition of the Principles Which Underlie the Sunday-School Cause, Setting Forth Its Objects, Organization, Methods and Capabilities (1870, 1874)

First Lessons in Composition (1871)

A Short Course in Literature, English and American (1873)

The Complete Dramatic and Poetical Works of William Shakespeare (1879)

Punctuation and the Use of Capital Letters (1886)