John Wilbur Chapman (1859-1918)

Biography (Wikipedia)

Biography (Leben)

Courtesy of Dr. Wayne Sparkman, PCA Historical Center.

Courtesy of Wayne Sparkman, PCA Historical Center.

Chapman, John Wilbur photo 2.jpg
John Wilbur Chapman is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, New York.

John Wilbur Chapman is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, New York.

The Ivory Palaces of the King (1893)

Received Ye the Holy Ghost? (1894)

Power - “Received Ye the Holy Ghost?” (1894, 1912)

“And Peter” and Other Sermons (1895, 1896)

The Lost Crown (1898)

Songs of Praise and Consecration (1899)

The Spiritual Life of the Sunday School (1899)

Christian Hymns, No. 1 (1899)

The Life of Blessing (1899)

The Surrendered Life: Quiet Hour Meditations (1899)

The Secret of a Happy Day: Quiet Hour Meditations (1899)

The Life and Work of Dwight L. Moody (1900)

Revivals and Missions (1900)

From Life to Life: Illustrations and Anecdotes For the Use of Religious Workers and For Private Meditation (1900)

The Personal Touch (1900)

Present Day Parables (1900)

The Upper and the Nether Springs (1900)

God’s Beautiful Provision For His Children (1900)

Revival Movements in the Nineteenth Century (1902)

Choice Hymns, No. 1 (1902)

The Man Who Said He Would (1902)

Present-Day Evangelism (1903)

Fishing For Men (1904)

Songs of Praise, Number Two (1905)

And Judas Isacariot, With Other Evangelistic Sermons (1906)

Winona Hymns (1906)

S.H. Hadley of Water Street: A Miracle of Grace (1906)

The Evangelistic Pastor (1907)

Another Mile and Other Addresses (1908)

A Model Preacher and a Great Sermon (1909)

The After-Meeting (1909)

Revival Sermons (1911)

The Problem of the Work (1911)

When Home is Heaven (1917)

The Minister’s Handicap (1918)

Day After Day: A Manual of Devotions For Individual and Family Use (1919)

Memorial Services: J. Wilbur Chapman (1919)

J. Wilbur Chapman: A Biography (1920)

Evangelistic Sermons (1922)