John William Flinn (1847-1907)
Flinn Hall at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina is named for John William Flinn.
John William Flinn is buried at Second Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Charleston, South Carolina.
The General Assembly of 1883 (1883)
Supernatural Revelation: A Modern Form of the A Priori and Analogical Argument (1884)
The Mission of the Church (1904)
Centennial Sermon: The Relation Between Education and Religion (1905)
Complete Works of Thomas Smyth, Vol. 1 (1908)
Complete Works of Thomas Smyth, Vol. 2 (1908)
Complete Works of Thomas Smyth, Vol. 3 (1908)
Complete Works of Thomas Smyth, Vol. 4 (1908)
Complete Works of Thomas Smyth, Vol. 5 (1908)
Complete Works of Thomas Smyth, Vol. 6 (1909)
Complete Works of Thomas Smyth, Vol. 7 (1910)
Complete Works of Thomas Smyth, Vol. 8 (1910)
1. Ecclesiastical Republicanism: or the Republicanism, Liberality and Catholicity of Presbytery in contrast with Prelacy and Popery
2. The Romish and Prelatical Rite of Confirmation Examined and Proved to be Contrary to the Scriptures
3. A Form of Public Christian Profession on First Uniting With the Church
4. Calvin and His Enemies: A Memoir of the Life, Character and Principles of Calvin
5. The True Origin and Source of the Mecklenburg and National Declaration of Independence
6. Presbyterianism, the Revolution the Declaration, and the Constitution
7. The Exodus of the Church of Scotland and the Claims of the Free Church of Scotland to the Sympathy and Assistance of American Christians
8. The Character of the Late Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. and the Lessons of His Life From Personal Recollections
1. The Name, Nature and Functions of Ruling Elders
2. Theories of the Eldership (from the Biblical Reportory and Princeton Review)
3. Theories of the Eldership (from the North Carolina Presbyterian)
4. The Office and Functions of Deacons in Relation to those of the Pastor and Ruling Elders Defined and Distinguished
5. The History, Character and Results of the Westminster Assembly of Divines. A Discourse in Commemoration of the Bi-Centenary Anniversary of that Body
6. An Ecclesiastical Catechism of the Presbyterian Church for the use of Families, Bible-Classes, and Private Members
7. A Sabbath School Teaching Service for the Whole Church, Instituted by Christ, in Seven Articles
8. The Nature and Claims of Young Men’s Christian Associations
1. Manual for the Members of the Second Presbyterian Church, Charleston, S. C.
2. Pastoral Memento. Love Waxing Cold; and Pastoral Fidelity Consistent with Pastoral Affection, Two Discourses
3. The Exodus of the Church of Scotland and the Claims of the Free Church of Scotland to the Sympathy and Assistance of American Christians
4. The Voice of God in Calamity: Or, Reflections on the Loss of the Steam-Boat Home, October 9, 1837, A Sermon: Delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, Charleston, on Sabbath Morning, October 22, 1837
5. Two Discourses on the Occasion of the Great Fire in Charleston, on Friday Night, April 27th, 1838. Delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, on Sabbath, May 6, 1838
6. The Theatre, a School of Religion, Manners and Morals! Two Discourses Delivered on the Opening of the New Theatre in Charleston
7. The Relations of Christianity to War: And The Portraiture of a Christian Soldier, A Discourse Delivered on Occasion of the First Commencement of the Citadel Academy
8. The Principle of Secrecy and Secret Societies. Two Discourses
9. Oration, Delivered on the Forty-Eighth Anniversary of the Orphan House, in Charleston, S. C., October 18th, 1837
10. The Successful Merchant and the Lessons of his Life and Death. A Discourse upon the Occasion of the Death of James Adger, who Died at St. Nicholas Hotel, New York, September, 1858
11. Pattern of Mercy and Holiness, Exhibited in the Conversion and Subsequent Character of Col. William Yeadon, Ruling Elder, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Charleston, S.C., A Discourse
12. God in the Storm: A Narrative by the Rev. L. P. W. Balch, an Address by Rev. Lyman Beecher, D. D., and a Sermon by the Rev. Thomas Smyth, D. D. Prepared on Board the Great Western, after the Storm Encountered on Her Recent Voyage
13. Denominational Education: Its Necessity and its Practicability: Especially as it Regards Colleges. An Address Delivered Before the Thalian and Phi-Delta Societies of Oglethorpe University
14. An Address, Delivered Before a Meeting of the Friends of Sunday-Schools, in the Wentworth Street Baptist Church, Charleston, S. C., on Monday, April 29, 1844
15. The Fundamental Doctrines of Christianity, the True and Only Required Basis of Charity and United Christian Effort. A Discourse, Delivered at Philadelphia, on the Twenty-Second Anniversary of the American Sunday-School Union, May 17, 1846
16. Our Fathers, A Discourse Preached on the Occasion of the Jubilee Celebration of the Second Presbyterian Church, Charleston, S. C., on Sabbath Morning, July 31, 1861
17. The Review and Lessons of Fifty Years. A Discourse Preached on the Occasion of the Jubilee Celebration of the Second Presbyterian Church, Charleston, S. C., March 31, 1861
1. The Primitive Revelation of a Divine and Incarnate Savior Traced in the History and Rites of Bacchus
2. National Righteousness
3. Union to Christ and to His Church; or, The Duty and Privilege of All to Believe in Christ, and to Become Communing Members of the Church of Christ
4. The Divine Appointment and Obligation of Capital Punishment with its Bearing on the Recent Execution of Colored Persons, and their Religious Instruction
5. Mary not a Perpetual Virgin, nor the Mother of God: But Only a Sinner Saved by Grace, Through the Worship and Mediation of Jesus Christ, Her God and our God. Together with a View of the True Position, Duty and Liberty of Woman under the Gospel Dispensation.
6. An Address on Giving the Right Hand of Fellowship, Delivered at the Installation of Rev. Thomas Osborne Rice as Pastor of the Independent Congregational (Circular) Church, Charleston, S. C., April 1, 1860
7. Services on the Occasion of the Ordination of the Rev. F. P. Mullally, and the Installation of Rev. J. H. Thornwell, D.D., and Rev. F. P. Mullally, as Co-Pastors of the First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, S. C., Sermon by Rev. John L. Girardeau, Charges, by Rev. Thomas Smyth, D.D., May 4th, 1860
8. Preach the Word
9. Preaching Through the Press the Duty of All, A Discourse
10. Gospel Preaching Must Be Doctrinal Preaching, A Discourse
11. Fear as a Christian Motive, Two Discourses
12. Consciousness and Fright of Sin, A Discourse
13. Every Man Under Obligation to Believe and Confess Christ by Union to His Church and an Open Confession of His Ordinances and [2nd item] The Duty and Privilege of Belief and Confession Urged Upon Doubting Sinners
14. The Young Man Miserable and the Young Man Happy, Four Discourses
15. Bible Temperance, Five Articles
16. A Defense of the Ecclesiastical Boards of the Presbyterian Church
17. The World-Reaching Sound and World-Preaching Sound, A Sermon
18. Our Election Made Sure
19. The Peculiar Song and Service of the Redeemed, A Sermon
20. The Question of Psalmody, A Series of Articles
21. The Scriptural and Divine Right for Using Mechanical as Well as Vocal Instruments in the Worship of God, A Discourse
22. The Sunday School Teacher in His Work, Spirit and Motives, A Series of Five Articles
23. Assurance—Witness of the Spirit and The Call to the Ministry
24. Claims of the Christian Ministry to an Adequate and Liberal Support; also a Plea for the Preaching of the Gospel to the Poor, but Not by the Poor, “For the poor the gospel is preached.” Luke 7:22
25. The Art Unions and the Use of the Lot, An Article
26. Education
27. The Waldenses—Were They Pedobaptists?
28. The Culdee Monasteries
29. Trees
30. On the Importance of a Knowledge of Natural History to a Full Understanding of the Sacred Scriptures, A Lecture Delivered Before the South Carolina Lyceum, Friday Evening, May 19, 1848
31. Lecture on the Practical Utility of Astronomical Science
1. Faith the Principle of Missions
2. Christians, Christ's Representatives and Agents for the Conversion of the World
3. Obedience the Life of Missions
4. The Church Awakened to Her Duty, and the Ground of Hope
5. Report on Foreign Missions, Presented to the Synod of South Carolina and Georgia, 1842
6. The Rule and Measure of Christian Charity
7. Collections for Charitable and Religious Purposes, a Part of the Service of God, and Means of Grace, and therefore an Essential Part of Christianity
8. The Duty of Interesting Children in the Missionary Cause
9. Christians, Christ's Representative and Agents for the Conversion of the World, and Self-Denying Love and Liberality Essential to Christian Character and Happiness
10. Articles on Christian Charity
11. Duelling. A Series of Articles
12. The Sin and the Curse, or The Union, the True Source of Disunion, and Our Duty in the Present Crisis. A Discourse Preached on November 21st, 1860, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Charleston, S. C
13. The War of the South Vindicated and The War of the North Condemned. A Discourse Preached by Rev. Thomas Smyth, D. D., on the Occasion of the Appointment of the Fourth of July as a Day of Prayer for the Lincoln Usurpation
14. The Soldier's Prayer Book
15. An Outline of the Soldier's Hymn Book, with an Index of First Lines
1 - Articles on the Trinity
2 - The Divinity of Christ
3 - Unitarianism not the Gospel
4 - Unitarianism Another Gospel
5 - Dr. Watts Not a Unitarian
6 - The Scriptural Doctrine of the Second Advent
7 - On the Fellowship and Communion of Believers With the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
8 - The Spirit's Influences Vindicated From Objections by their Analogy to the Wind
9 - Articles on the American Tract Society
10 - Articles Referring to the American Tract Society on Dr. Wayland's Letter
11 - The Destruction of the Hopes of Man - a Discourse
12 - Articles on Baptism
13 - Form for the Solemnization of Matrimony
14 - An Order for Funeral Services
15 - The Form of Public Admission to the Church
16 - The Lord's Supper
17 - Forms of Doxology and Benediction
1 - The Teachings of the Dead
2 - Life a Tale That is Told
3 - Council and Comfort for Afflicted Believers
4 - God Comforts to Make Us Comforters
5 - Solace for Bereaved Parents
6 - God's Way in the Wilderness
7 - God Glorified and Christian Obedience Perfected in the Prostration
8 - Heaven, pp. 319 - 329.
9 - Articles on Baptism
10 - The Commercial Benefit of Christianity in Producing Integrity, Diligence and Moderation
11 - The Design and Motive of Worldly Business as Exhibited in the Bible
12 - The Relations of Christianity to Civil Polity
13 - The Christian's Principle and Motive in Voting
14 - On the Necessity of Literature and Men of Letters to the Stability and Happiness of a Republic
15 - The Sphere, Character and Destiny of Woman
16 - First and Second Advents of Christ
17 - Christ's Sufferings a Proof of Atonement
18 - Christ our Righteousness
19 - Imputation
20 - The Eternal Sonship of Christ
21 - Theory of a General Atonement Examined
22 - The Doctrine of Predestination Beneficial to Many and Injurious to None
23 - The Origin of Evil
24 - Paul's Resource Under Trial
25 - The Prayers and Efforts of Believers Essential to the Promised Triumph of the Church
26 - Forbidding to Marry a Sure Mark of Antichrist
27 - The Resurrection of Christ
28 - The Mutual Obligation of a Minister and His People
29 - In Memoriam