Biography (Presbyterians of the Past)
Biography (McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia)
Joseph Clark is buried at Van Liew Cemetery, North Brunswick, New Jersey.
A Sermon on the Death of the Hon. William Paterson, Esq., LL.D., One of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, Who Died on the Ninth of September, Eighteen Hundred and Six, In the Sixty-First Year of His Age: Preached in the Presbyterian Church, In New-Brunswick, (New-Jersey) on the Twenty-First Day of September (1806)
A Sermon, Delivered in the City of New-Brunswick, on Thursday, July 30, 1812: Being the Day Set Apart by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, for Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer (1812)
The True and False Grounds of Religion (1813)
Joseph Clark, D.D. (1858)