Martha Farquharson Finley (1828-1909)
Martha Farquharson Finley is buried at Elkton Cemetery, Elkton, Maryland.
Ella Clinton, or, By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them (1856)
Annandale, A Story of the Times of the Covenanters (1858)
Lame Letty, or, “Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens” (1859)
Little Joe Carter, the Cripple (1864)
Holidays at Roselands (1868, 1898)
Casella, or, The Children of the Valleys (1868)
The Shannons; or, From Darkness to Light (1868)
Milly, or The Little Girl Who Tried To Help Others and Do Them Good (1868)
Stupid Sally, The Poor-House Girl (1868)
Our Fred; or, Seminary Life at Thurston (1874)
Elsie’s Motherhood (1876, 1904)
Signing the Contract, and What It Cost (1879)
Mildred’s Married Life, and a Winter With Elsie Dinsmore: A Sequel to Mildred and Elsie (1882)
Elsie’s New Relations: What They Did and How They Fared at Ion (1883)
Elsie at Nantucket (1884, 1912)
Mildred at Home; With Something About Her Relatives and Friends (1884)
Elsie’s Kith and Kin (1886, 1914)
Mildred’s Boys and Girls (1886)
Elsie’s Friends at Woodburn (1887)
Christmas With Grandma Elsie (1888, 1916)
Elsie Yachting With the Raymonds (1890)
Elsie’s Vacation and After Events (1891)
The Tragedy of Wild River Valley (1893)
Elsie at the World’s Fair (1894)
A Chat With an Authoress (1894)
Elsie’s Journey on Inland Waters (1895)
Elsie on the Hudson and Elsewhere (1898)
Elsie’s Young Folks in Peace and War (1900)