Philip Vollmer (1860-1929)
Philip Vollmer is buried at Mount Moriah Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The Old Testament in Its Relation to Social Reform (1896)
Sound Exegesis the Basis of Effective Preaching (1903)
The Reward of Spiritual Hunger (1906)
John Calvin: Theologian, Preacher, Educator, Statesman (1909)
The New Testament Portrait of Jesus: An Exegetical Study (1910)
The Dialectical Method of Socrates (1911)
The Life of Christ: A Textbook (1912)
The Development of the Dialectical Method of Socrates (1913)
On Admission to Church Membership (1914)
The Reformation a Liberating Force and Its Message to Modern America (1917)
The Historical Background of the Apostolic Church (1919)
The Importance of the Social Sciences For the Modern Minister (1927)