Robert Fishburne Campbell (1858-1947)
Robert Fishburne Campbell is buried at Riverside Cemetery, Asheville, North Carolina.
Rev. Thomas E. Peck, D.D., LL.D. (1898)
Mission Work Among the Mountain Whites in Asheville Presbytery, North Carolina (1899)
Some Aspects of the Race Problem in the South (1899)
Three Years of Home Mission Work in Asheville Presbytery (1900)
Classification of Mountain Whites (1901)
Union Seminary in the Pastorate (1912)
The Last Fifty Years - The Presbyterian Church an Evangelistic Agency (1913)
The Ideal and the Practical (1924)
God and Man Finding Rest (1926)
The Rev. Robert F. Campbell, D.D.: In Observance of Two Anniversaries (1942)