Buell, Samuel photo.jpg
Samuel Buell is buried at South End Cemetery, East Hampton, New York.

Samuel Buell is buried at South End Cemetery, East Hampton, New York.

Christ the Grand Subject of Gospel-Preaching; the Power of God, Manifested in the Work of Faith; and Unbelief Under the Gospel, Lamented: A Sermon Preach’d at Brook-Haven, on Long-Island, October 23, 1854. At the Ordination of Mr. Benjamin Tallmadge (1755)

March 21, 1758 Letter (1758)

October 17, 1758 Letter to Eleazar Wheelock (1758)

The Excellence and Importance of the Saving Knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel-Preacher, Plainly and Seriously Represented and Enforced: and Christ Preached to the Gentiles in Obedience to the Call of God: A Sermon, Preached at East-Hampton, August 29, 1759; at the Ordination of Mr. Samson Occum (1761)

May 17, 1764 Letter to the Rev. Mr. Barber (1764)

September 30, 1765 Letter to Eleazar Wheelock (1765)

An Account of the Late Success of the Gospel, in the Province of New-York, North-America (1765)

June 9, 1766 Letter to Samson Occom (1766)

A Faithful Narrative of the Remarkable Revival of Religion; in the Congregation of Easthampton, on Long-Island, in the Year of Our Lord, 1764; With Some Reflections (1766, 1808)

The Best New-Year’s Gift For Young People: or, The Bloom of Youth Immortal, By Piety and Glory: A Sermon Preached (Summarily) at East-Hampton, on the Lord’s-Day, January 1st, 1775 (1775)

Youth's Triumph: a Poem or Vision (1775)

The Import of the Saint's Confession, That the Times of Men Are in the Hand of God: Exhibited to View in an Anniversary, Eucharistical, and Half-Century Sermon; Delivered at East-Hampton, on the Lord's Day, January 1, 1792 (1792)

Samuel Buell, D.D. (1858)

Letter commending the ministry of Samson Occom. Source: Dartmouth College Library, Rauner Special Collections: The Occom Circle. Transcription available here.

Letter commending the ministry of Samson Occom. Source: Dartmouth College Library, Rauner Special Collections: The Occom Circle. Transcription available here.

Source: Dartmouth College Library, Rauner Special Collections: The Occom Circle. Transcription available here.

Source: Dartmouth College Library, Rauner Special Collections: The Occom Circle. Transcription available here.

Source: Dartmouth College Library, Rauner Special Collections: The Occom Circle. Transcription available here.

Source: Dartmouth College Library, Rauner Special Collections: The Occom Circle. Transcription available here.

Source: Dartmouth College Library, Rauner Special Collections: The Occom Circle. Transcription available here.

Source: Dartmouth College Library, Rauner Special Collections: The Occom Circle. Transcription available here.