Samuel Buell (1716-1798)
Samuel Buell is buried at South End Cemetery, East Hampton, New York.
October 17, 1758 Letter to Eleazar Wheelock (1758)
May 17, 1764 Letter to the Rev. Mr. Barber (1764)
September 30, 1765 Letter to Eleazar Wheelock (1765)
An Account of the Late Success of the Gospel, in the Province of New-York, North-America (1765)
June 9, 1766 Letter to Samson Occom (1766)
Letter commending the ministry of Samson Occom. Source: Dartmouth College Library, Rauner Special Collections: The Occom Circle. Transcription available here.
Source: Dartmouth College Library, Rauner Special Collections: The Occom Circle. Transcription available here.
Source: Dartmouth College Library, Rauner Special Collections: The Occom Circle. Transcription available here.
Source: Dartmouth College Library, Rauner Special Collections: The Occom Circle. Transcription available here.