Samuel Carnahan Jennings (1803-1885)
Samuel Carnahan Jennings is buried at Sharon Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Moon, Pennsylvania.
The Presbyterian Preacher, Vol. 1 (1832-1833)
The Presbyterian Preacher, Vol. 2 (1833-1834)
The Excuses of Sceptics For Rejecting the Gospel (1834)
The Presbyterian Preacher, Vol. 3 (1834-1835)
The Nature and Duties of the Office of Ruling Elder (1835)
The Presbyterian Preacher, Vol. 4 (1835-1836)
The Presbyterian Preacher, Vol. 5 (1836-1837)
The Proper Acquirements in Female Education (1836)
Recollections of Useful Persons and Important Events, Within Seventy Years (1884)