Samuel Jack Niccolls (1838-1915)
Samuel Jack Niccolls is buried at Bellefontaine Cemetery, Saint Louis, Missouri.
God’s Hand Among the People: A Sermon Delivered on Thanksgiving Day (1863)
The Mound Builders of America (1881)
The Sanhedrim and the College of the Apostles (1882)
Thessalonians and Bereans (1883)
Organization in Church Work (1888)
Preaching to the Masses (1888)
Him Hath God Exalted…To Give Repentance…And Forgiveness (1889)
A Tribute to General William Tecumseh Sherman (1891)
Address of the Rev. Dr. S.J. Niccolls at the Opening of the World's Parliament of Religions (1893)
The Civil and Religious Conditions of the Times of the Westminster Assembly (1898)
The Duty and Opportunities of the Presbyterian Church in the Twentieth Century (1902)
Brief Statement of the Reformed Faith (1902)
The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Pastorate of the Rev. Samuel J. Niccolls (1915)