Talbot Wilson Chambers (1819-1896)
Talbot Wilson Chambers is buried at Old Somerville Cemetery, Somerville, New Jersey.
The Happiness of the Pious (1852)
Memoir of the Life and Character of the Late Hon. Theo. Frelinghuysen, LL.D. (1863)
Economy a Christian Duty (1865)
The Book of Zechariah, Expounded (1874, 1899)
Memorial Sermon For Thomas De Witt (1874, 1875)
The Psalter: A Witness to the Divine Origin of the Bible (1876)
The English Bible as a Classic (1879)
The Theory of Professor Kuenen (1880)
The Plan of the New Bible Revision (1881)
Sunday School Reminiscences (1882)
The Belgic Confession and Its Author (1885)
A Companion to the Revised Old Testament (1885)
The First Latin Apologist For Christianity (1886)
The Late Dr. Archibald Alexander Hodge (1887)
Moses and His Recent Critics (1889)
Substitutes For the Fourth Commandment (1890)
The Book of Jonah: Is It Fact or Fiction? (1890)
The Inaugural Address of Professor Briggs (1891)