William Skinner Rentoul (1812-1898)
“W.S. [Rentoul]. An odd-looking character, a Scotchman by birth, and a good type of the old curiosity monger. He is lean and lanky in personal appearance, and always very frowsy-looking about the head. He has a fine collection of old Presbyterian books, and is located in the second story on Sixth street above Market. I understand he came here from Pittsburgh. He has been in this city selling old Presbyterian books for over thirty years, but is known only by that class of book-buyers. He is of the old blue-stocking type, which is now becoming rare. I presume that from his long experience he know every book of note in the literature he sells, from John Knox to the Old Covenanters of to-day. He is known to few collectors of books, as he deals only in those mentioned.” — W. Brotherhead, Forty Years Among the Old Booksellers of Philadelphia, With Bibliographical Remarks (1891), pp. 57-58
Rentoul’s Library of Standard Bible Expositions includes:
1. Ralph Wardlaw, Lectures: Expository and Practical, on the Book of Ecclesiastes (1868)
2. Alexander Moody Stuart, The Song of Songs: An Exposition of the Song of Solomon (1869)
3. George Lawson, Practical Expositions of the Whole Books of Ruth and Esther (1870)
The True Psalmody (1859, 1861)
The Proposed Amendments of the Metrical Version of the Psalms Amended (1863)
New Versions of the Psalms For Children Wanted (1865)
Ralph Wardlaw’s Lectures: Expository and Practical, on the Book of Ecclesiastes (1868)
A Metrical Version of the Song of Solomon (1869)
George Lawson’s Practical Expositions of the Whole Books of Ruth and Esther (1870)